Errata to Practical Foundations of Mathematics
Paul Taylor
19 August 2000
First, I apologise to Heinrich Kleisli, Dito Pataraia,
Maria Cristina Pedicchio,
Dietmar Schumacher and V. Zöberlein
for my mistakes in their names on pages 179, 403, 533, 540, 563, 566 and 572.
- p. x before Acknowledgements:
topics in the mechanics of symbolic logic
using the methods of category theory.
- p. xi: Ruth Horner died the very week that the book went to press,
and Doris Wilson died during the following year.
1 First Order Reasoning
- p. 1, para 2:
characteristic instead of remarkable -
this seems to be a pretty good definition of the mathematical sciences.
- p. 7, Lemma 1.1.5:
correctly forbids x to be free in a,
because the substitution [a/x]*u
is meant to result in a term that doesn't involve x.
See Definition 4.3.11(b) for why.
- p. 17, Definition 1.2.10(a)
(broken sentence structure):
by at most one thing, i.e. any two (∀) solutions are equal
(cf. Example 1.8.2):
- p. 34, Remark 1.5.9:
so the sign (positive or negative) of the influence of φ
depends on whether it lies behind an odd or even number of implications.
- p. 37, Lemma 1.6.3,
proof box, line 6 (significantly wrong symbol):
should be ∃y.γ∧φ[y] in the left-hand box;
for clarity, I have put
(γ∧φ)∨… and …∨(γ∧ψ)
in the right-hand box too.
- p. 60, Exercise 1.1:
moved it from a pile ...
[Hint: Exercise 3.63.]
(I now think that the Schröder-Bernstein theorem is the proof of this,
which will of course add fuel to Peter Johnstone's
2 Types and Induction
- p.93, before Remark 2.4.10:
The failure of the disjunction property seems to mean that
classical logic has no constructive interpretation.
3 Posets and Lattices
- p. 128, Warning 3.1.4:
Any irreflexive relation < [insert "(∀x. x/ < x)"]
can in fact be recovered from ( < )∪(=)
- p. 128: Example 3.1.6(c):
The composite of two monotone functions
(or of two antitone ones) is monotone.
- p. 132: Example 3.2.5(h)
(misleading remark):
Example 6.6.3(f)
shows that ℑ ⊂ {⊥,T}
can only be regarded as finite if it's decidable.
- p. 133: mark on plate in Example 3.2.8,
near the right.
- p. 143, Definition 3.4.10
(misleading remark):
the remark about being intermediate is a bit misleading,
so the footnote on page 502 has been changed,
but not this remark.
- p. 144, intro to Section 3.5
(significantly wrong word):
the sum of posets or dcpos.
- p. 160, second paragraph of
Remark 3.7.12:
Cf [Con76, p. 66]
(This was essentially the point of
John Conway's "Mathematicians' Liberation Movement".)
- p. 162: "Modal logic has medieval and even ancient roots" belongs
after Definition 3.8.2.
- p. 162, before Example 3.8.3(b'):
but the second, partial correctness.
- p. 165: mark on plate in middle of
Theorem 3.8.11(a).
- p. 176, Exercise 3.19
(significantly wrong word): posets or dcpos.
- p. 179, Exercise 3.45:
Dito Pataraia.
4 Cartesian Closed Categories
- p. 238, after Proposition 4.8.3
(significantly wrong word): naturality, not normality.
- p. 243, Definition 4.8.15(c)
(significantly wrong word):
the right end of the first cell is the left end of the second.
5 Limits and Colimits
- p. 275, penultimate paragraph of
Definition 5.5.1:
The bottom row f the rectangle ... products. Then
- final paragraph (significantly wrong symbol):
if c then
- p. 285 Corollary 5.6.12
(significantly wrong symbol): v(y)=x1.
- p. 288, Lemma 5.7.3:
use W instead of K, for just this lemma, as it's about coequalisers
in general rather than kernels.
Conversely, given equal W = > B→ Θ, apply
- p. 290, diagram for Lemma 5.7.6(e)
(significantly wrong symbol):
(German) f;m and z;n instead of f;n and z;m.
- p. 295, Remark 5.8.4(e):
The lifting property is not unique, but there's no room to insert this.
6 Structural Recursion
- p. 342, Remark 6.5.6:
[Knu68, vol. 1, pp. 353-5]
explains how to store the equivalence relation.
- p. 346, Example 6.6.3(f):
a subset of a finite set is finite iff it is complemented
cf. Example 3.2.5(h).
- p. 346, after Remark 6.6.4:
the ambiguity in the usage of the word "law" mentioned in
Definition 1.2.2.
- p. 350, Corollary 6.6.12:
{⊥,T} is a join-semilattice;
the unique join-homomorphism taking all singletons to T
maps everything else there except ∅.
- p. 358, Remark 6.7.14:
It is probably true in the concrete case of ordinals in Pos and Set
that a sh-coalgebra is well founded in the sense of
Definition 6.3.2
iff < is a well founded relation
(Definition 2.5.3).
Inability to formulate the abstract result
for ordinals in A and C
where there is an adjunction F −| U
is the reason why I have not finished
- p. 362, Exercise 6.23
(significantly wrong symbol):
TΘ instead of T(Γ×Θ) at the top right of the diagram.
7 Adjunctions
8 Algebra with Dependent Types
- p. 436, diagram for Example 8.1.12:
the arrows marked [^(f)][^(x)] and [^(g)][^(z)]
should have double arrowheads, but this hasn't been changed.
9 The Quantifiers
- p. 472 Notation 9.1.3:
mark on plate near "Note that nothing we did in Chapter VIII".
- p. 480, Example 9.2.5,
last paragraph: I find this example very confusing as the
main one used to demonstrate.
- p. 487, Remark 9.3.1:
several marks on the plate.
- p. 489, Remark 9.3.3,
last line of the dotted proof box
(significantly wrong symbol): [a/x, b/y]*f:θ.
- p. 491, Corollary 9.3.9:
Our Frobenius law follows as a
- p. 502, Example 9.4.11(d)
(misleading remark):
The closed point of the Sierpi\'nski space does classify closed subsets
Any point of this space can be expressed as the join of a directed
diagram taking only ⊥ and T as values,
whilst (the dual of) the equation in
Exercise 9.57
characterises support classifiers
- pp 505, after Corollary 9.4.16
(misleading treatment):
Beware that, whilst our approach to the Beck-Chevalley condition
does ensure that pullbacks of >-|>-maps are >-|>-maps,
such pullbacks need not always exist
in the category of locally compact spaces.
- p. 506, Section 9.5:
In fact the formal rules also suggest that we should view comprehension
as forming types or contexts from contexts.
- p. 519,
Proposition 9.6.13[c⇒]:
The infinitary version of
Example 2.1.7
(rather than of its converse Exercise 2.14).
- p. 523, Exercise 9.4
(the one and only falsity):
Thomas Streicher sent me a simple counterexample to the claim that
fibrations preserve pullbacks.
I have replaced the exercise with
Let C and S be categories with pullbacks
and P:C→S a functor that preserves them.
Suppose that P −| T with P·T=idS.
Show that P is a fibration.
Find a fibration of posets that preserves neither ∧ not T.
- [BHPRR66]
Essays on the foundations of mathematics.
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which was last modified on 22 July 2007.