Sites that have downloaded this paperPaul TaylorSeptember 2007 to June 2010 |
Computers at the following sites that have downloaded the full text of A Lambda Calculus for Real Analysis between September 2007 and June 2010 inclusive.
Altogether, over 1500 distinct IP addresses (excluding robots such as Google, Yahoo and MSN) have downloaded this paper.
This following list excludes those sites that appear to be robots or private adsl, although some filtering still needs to be done. Most of them are universities.
Aston, cs.Birmingham, cl.Cambridge, joh.Cambridge, kings.Cambridge, newn.Cambridge, newton.Cambridge, soi.City, ecdf.Edinburgh, inf.Edinburgh, macs.Herriot Watt, doc.Imperial College, mcs.Leicester, Leeds, maths.Manchester, London Metropolitan, cs.Nottingham, well.Oxford, Sunderland, Swansea, cs.York, British Library.
Latrobe, ics.Macquarie, its.Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, csse.Melbourne, Sydney, cgs.Victoria.
Institute of Science and Technology, tu-Graz, complang.tu-Vienna.
cs.McGill, mgi.Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, maths.Manitoba, cs.Toronto, cs.Victoria, csd.Western Ontario, York.
AIS Software, math.Mazaryk (Brno), sci.Mazaryk (Brno), fav.West Bohemia., IT Univerisity (Copenhagen).
eleves.ENS (Paris), Grenoble Institute of Technology, msr.INRIA,, INSA-Lyon, pps.Jussieu (Paris), LAAS, LORIA, Siemens Transport Systems, ONERA Toulouse, lix.Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), Univ-Paris 1.
Razmadze Mathematical Institute.
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Datasolid, DESY, pia.fu-Berlin, ICS-ag, orn.Max Planck Institute, Magdeburg, kawo2.Rwth-Aachen, Studentenwerk-Goettingen, math.tu-Berlin, mathematik.tu-Darmstadt, informatik.uni-Augsburg, rhrz.uni-Bonn, wi-inf.uni-Essen, mathematik.uni-Kiel, vwl.uni-Mannheim, mathematik.uni-Muenchen, cs.uni-Saarland, hrz.uni-Siegen, informatik.unibw-Muenchen.
Atomic Energy, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
Scuola Normale di Pisa, dm.Bologna, dima.Genova, cimcf.Napoli, ce.Parma, educ.di.Torino, Bruno Kessler Foundation.
kurims.Kyoto, Mathematical Systems Inc, Taiyo Nippon Sanco.
cs.Nijmegen, science.Nijmegen, student.Twente, science.Amersterdam.
Norwegian Computing Centre, Bergen, ifi.Oslo.
im.Jegiellonian, sds.Warsaw, lib.uni.Lodz,
Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnogorsk, chem.Moscow State University,
Josef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana), fe.Ljubljana, fmf.Ljubljana, Maribor.
caja Madrid, Santiago de Compostela.
math.Uppsala, student.Uppsala.
inf.ETH Zurich, cs.Basle, Bern.
eecs.Berkeley, Boise State, cds.Cal Tech, concert.cs.Carnegie–Mellon, isri.Carnegie–Mellon, math.Carnegie–Mellon, physics.Denver, osl.Indiana, APL-Johns Hopkins, MIT, cns.Ohio U, cecs.Portland State, cs.Princeton, ist.Penn State, ecn.Purdue, itap.Purdue, Rice, resnet.Rochester, Rutgers, San Francisco State, Stanford, Texas A&M, math.U C Davis, Chicago, ipam.UCLA, cse.UCSC, dt.Houston, scs.UIUC, pa.Kentucky, cs.U Massachussets, cs.North Carolina, US Military Academy, cat.U Texas, cccns.Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Vassar, cs.Virginia, cs.Washington, math.Washington, Widener, med.Yale, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US Army Corps of Engineers.
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