This section sums up the ``good behaviour'' of coequalisers, and of finite colimits in general, like that of coproducts in Section 5.5. Categories of algebras inherit this good behaviour for quotients of congruences, but not for coproducts or general coequalisers. The following definitions progressively capture the exactness properties of AbGp and Set. It is these properties of the sum and quotient, and not the all-powerful operations of Zermelo type theory, which provide the foundation of twentieth century algebra.
DEFINITION 5.8.1 Let S be a category.
The original example of a regular category was AbGp, and in general Mod(L) for any finitary algebraic theory L, by Theorem 5.6.9. From Section 5.6, these categories have all coequalisers, so there is some ambiguity in the literature as to whether all coequalisers are required in the definition: after [FS90, §1.52], we say they are not. Indeed in regular categories coequalisers of their kernel pairs are stable under pullback, but even when they exist general coequalisers need not be stable.
Stable image factorisation To make Lemma 5.7.4 work as intended, we have to show that the class of regular epis is closed under composition.
PROPOSITION 5.8.3 In a regular category the class of regular epis is closed under pullback and so is the E class of the image factorisation.
PROOF: Suppose e:X® Y and f:Y® Z coequalise their kernel pairs, K\rightrightarrows X and L\rightrightarrows Y respectively. Let M\rightrightarrows X be the kernel pair of X® Y® Z; comparing commutative squares with these kernels ( cf Lemma 5.6.6(a)), there are mediators K® M® L.
Let X® Q be a map having equal composites with M\rightrightarrows X. Then the composites K® M\rightrightarrows X® Q are equal and give Y® Q. The required mediator Z® Q exists iff the composites L\rightrightarrows Y® Q are equal.
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We can achieve this by showing that the maps M® P® L are epi. Indeed, both parts are pullbacks of the regular epi e:X\twoheadrightarrow Y (against split epis). []
The last part is sufficient but not necessary. The literature on this subject is confusing, because in certain categories, one may show by slightly different arguments that regular epis compose, without being stable under pullback. There is apparently no convenient necessary and sufficient condition for composability of regular epis.
REMARK 5.8.4 There are four useful notions of surjectivity e:X\twoheadrightarrow Y in lex categories ( cf Definition 5.2.1 for monos):
By Proposition 5.8.3, the middle two coincide in a regular category. Furthermore, every epi is regular in Set, and indeed in any pretopos, but to say that every epi splits would be an internal form of the axiom of choice (Exercise 1.38).
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Relations Logically, stability of image factorisation corresponds to the Frobenius law (Lemma 1.6.3). It is also vital for relational calculus.
REMARK 5.8.5 The stable image interprets existential quantification, removing the uniqueness requirement from Remark 5.2.9.
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Stable unions of subobjects similarly express disjunction, where once again we have dropped uniqueness from Remark 5.5.10 . The right adjoint in a logos gives the universal quantifier. In this way, existential, coherent (Ù, Ú, $) and first order logic may be interpreted in regular categories, prelogoses and logoses respectively. We study these type-theoretically in Chapter IX, and just treat relational algebra here.
LEMMA 5.8.6 Let S be a lex category, in which relations R:X\leftharpoondown\rightharpoonup Y are interpreted as subobjects R\hookrightarrow Xx Y. Then composition of general relations, defined by image factorisation, is associative iff S is regular.
PROOF: Let W Q\leftharpoondown \rightharpoonup X R\leftharpoondown \rightharpoonup Y S\leftharpoondown \rightharpoonup Z.
PROPOSITION 5.8.7 Relations in a regular category
Freyd and Scedrov [FS90] call such a structure an allegory. They show how the logical connectives described above may be reformulated in terms of relations rather than functions. For example R is functional iff Rop;R Ì id, total iff id Ì R;Rop and confluent iff Rop;R Ì R;Rop.
Using this we can try to recover the category composed of functions from its allegory composed of relations. Any R Ì id is the support of a partial function (Remark 5.3.6) and must be introduced as a virtual object. Every allegory is thereby embedded in the category of relations of a regular category. The utility of the technique, as we shall see in Theorem 6.4.19, is that allegories can sometimes be constructed from one another more simply than the corresponding categories, and results deduced without the extraneous objects.
Stable unions To make full use of relational algebra we need unions of possibly overlapping subsets. In a pretopos (effective regular extensive category), unions of subobjects may be defined as quotients of sums and are stable. First we consider the stable unions alone.
The slash notation, suggesting division, is due to Joachim Lambek, who used it first in linguistics [Lam58] and later for modules for rings [Lam89]. (Don't confuse division with \ for subset difference, Example 2.1.6(e).) We shall use it to study transitive closures in the proof of Lemma 6.4.9.
PROOF: R Ì f*UÞ I Ì U since (R\twoheadrightarrow I)^(U\hookrightarrow X),
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and conversely since f*U is a pullback. Composition is given by the image of a pullback, and both operations preserve unions or have adjoints as appropriate. []
The elementary properties of Set are already beginning to emerge in a prelogos. The next result is known as the Pasting Lemma as it is needed to combine partial functions, for example in Lemma 6.3.12.
LEMMA 5.8.9 Let U,V Ì X and suppose that product distributes over union. Then the diagram on the left, which is a pullback by construction, is also a pushout.
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PROOF: Recall that a relation R\hookrightarrow XxY is the graph of a function iff R\hookrightarrow XxYp0® X is an isomorphism. Applying this to f, g and h in the diagram on the right, the graph of f is isomorphic to U, etc . Then the union of the graphs of f and of g, formed as a subobject of XxY, is isomorphic to UÈV Ì X by distributivity. Hence it is the graph of a function UÈV® Y. []
Pretoposes enjoy even better properties.
PROPOSITION 5.8.10 Let Y\hookleftarrow mX\hookrightarrow \ Z be monos in a pretopos.