Miscellaneous (La)TeX Macros
Paul Taylor
Since helping other people with their (La)TEX problems has only ever
caused me grief
(and in particular, maintaining a then state-of-the-art TEX system
for the whole of Imperial College for fife years
led directly to my losing my job there),
I no longer maintain TEX macro packages or answer questions about TEX.
That is, with the exception of my
categorical diagrams package.
There is also a separate page for
proof trees, proof boxes and QED (the right-justified end-of-proof mark).
In other words, you use the following entirely at your own risk.
However, the usual courtesies apply: acknowledge, in particular
when you circulate your own versions of my macros.
One widely circulated thing is my
alphabetical list of mathematical symbols.
People sometimes ask about the 2-cum-omega symbol that I used for the
subobject classifier in a topos in my book.
The answer is that, if you would like to take on the responsibility of
designing an entire new font of mathematical symbols using MetaFont
(including the hassle of responding to checksum errors generated by
dvips) then I am willing to give you my MetaFont source code.
- abbrevs.sty: abbreviations such as i.e. and
e.g. in italics.
- barcodep.sty: generates supermarket barcodes.
- daymonthyear.sty: British (not American) style dates.
- dropcap.sty: dropped capitals for the start of a chapter
in a book.
- eqnarray.sty: allow a "reason" as the fourth column
of an eqnarray enivironment in LATEX.
- letterlist.sty: itemisations with letters, greek letters,
roman numerals, etc., with LATEX labels that include the
surrounding enumeration (for example of a theorem number) and
the option to continue the previous enumeration.
- logicsym.sty: miscellaneous symbols suitable for logic,
together with alphabets in various fonts.
- ordinals.sty: matchstick pictures of ordinals.
- private.sty: bracketted comments that can be included or
excluded at the flick of a switch.
- pthref.tex: generate hyperlinks with given base url,
and support
for HTML (using TTH)
and PDF (using pdftex).
Use "\input pthref" not \usepackage{pthref}
to make TTH read it.
- rotatept.sty: PostScript code for rotating symbols,
basd on Rokicki's.
This is
and it was derived from tex/index.tex
which was last modified on 19 July 2006.