We are now able to show that any “abstract” basis satisfying the conditions of Section 11 actually arises from some definable object. As in Section 12, we have to define a nucleus E:ΣΣN→ΣΣN and (in the next section) characterise its admissible terms in the sense of Definition 12.8.
Definition 14.1 An abstract basis is an overt
discrete object N with elements 0,1∈ N, binary operations
+,⋆:N× N→ N and an open binary relation
≺≺:N× N→Σ such that
0≺≺ 0
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where ≼ is defined from + and ⋆ by Definition 13.10.
We have to show that this satisfies the equations in Theorem 10.10,
Φ,Ψ:ΣΣN ⊢ E(Φ∧ Ψ) = E(E Φ∧ E Ψ) and E(Φ∨ Ψ) = E(E Φ∨ E Ψ). |
This is made a little easier by the fact that we need only test these equations for basic Φ≡ BR and Ψ≡ BS:
Proof We use the lattice basis expansion Φ = ∃ R.AR Φ∧ BR.
Note first that the combined expansion using distributivity (Lemma 11.8),
Φ ⊙ Ψ = ∃ R S. AR Φ ∧ AS Ψ ∧ (BR⊙ BS), |
is directed in <R,S>, so E preserves the join by Theorem 9.6 and E Φ = ∃ R.AR Φ ∧ E BR. Using distributivity, directedness and Scott continuity again, we have
Next we need to evaluate the expression AL(E BR).
Lemma 14.4 E BR = J(λ n.n≺≺ev R).
but the ≤ is an equality, as we may put L≡ R in the other direction. ▫
Lemma 14.5 Since, by hypothesis,
≺≺ satisfies 0≺≺ k and (cf. Lemma 11.3)
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we have AL(E BR) ⇒ (ev L≺≺ev R), with equality in the case L≡{|{|k|}|}.
Proof The reason for the inequality is that, whereas B(−):Fin(Fin N)→DL(N)→ΣΣN sends + to ∨ and ⋆ to ∧, A(−) only takes + to ∧, not necessarily ⋆ to ∨.
Here µℓ is the “product” of ℓ, in the sense of 1 and ⋆ (written fold ⋆ 1 ℓ in functional programming notation), so n∈ℓ⇒µℓ≼ n. Then ev L is the sum of these products (Definition 13.10). Equality holds when L≡{|{|k|}|} since ℓ={|k|} and ev L=µℓ=k. ▫
Equipped with formulae for E BR and AL(E BR), we can now verify the two equations. Their proofs are almost the same, illustrating once again the lattice duality that we get by putting directed joins into the background. Unfortunately, they’re not quite close enough for us to use ⊙ and give just one proof. First, however, we give the similar but slightly simpler argument for idempotence, although it is easily seen to be implied by either of the other results.
Proposition 14.6 If ≺≺ satisfies the transitive and interpolation rules,
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cf. Corollary 11.7, then E is idempotent: E(E Φ)=E Φ.
Proof By (a simpler version of) Lemma 14.3, it’s enough to consider Φ≡ BR,
where m≡ev L. However, the ≤ is an equality as we may use L≡{|{|m|}|} in Lemma 14.4 to prove ≥. ▫
Proposition 14.7 Since ≺≺ obeys the rule linking it with ⋆,
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(cf. Lemma 11.11) E satisfies the ∧-equation, E(Φ∧ Ψ) = E(E Φ∧ E Ψ).
Proof By Lemma 14.3, it’s enough to consider Φ≡ BR and Ψ≡ BS. With m≡ev L, r≡ev R and s≡ev S,
To make the ≤ an equality, we use L≡{|{|m|}|} in Lemma 13.14. ▫
Proposition 14.8 If ≺≺ satisfies the Wilker rule linking it with +,
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(cf. Lemma 11.12) then E satisfies the ∨-equation, E(Φ∨ Ψ) = E(E Φ∨ E Ψ).
Proof With r≡ev R, s≡ev S, p≡ev L1, q≡ev L2 and L=L1+L2,
Again the ≤ becomes an equality, using L1≡{|{|p|}|}, L2≡{|{|q|}|} and L≡ L1+L2 in Lemma 13.14. ▫
Theorem 14.9 E is a nucleus on ΣN in the sense of
Section B 8. ▫